コザ 썸네일형 리스트형 小小な幸福 狭い路地を歩いている私の足音が大きく聞こえるほど静かな村だ。 澄んだ空と調和した瓦屋が素晴らしい風景を作っている。 歩きながら出会うおばあさんと挨拶を交わし、散歩を楽しむこの時間を通じて小さな幸せを感じる。 It's a quiet village, so quiet that I can hear my footsteps loud as I walk through a narrow alleyway. A tile-roofed house with a clear sky is creating a wonderful view. I feel small happiness through this time when I say hello to town people who I encounter while walking and enjoy a pleasant w.. more 感性ポイント きれいに飾られた店の姿が単調なまち風景に小さな感性ポイントを与えて魅力を感じる。いつか入ってみたい店の全景。 The beautifully decorated shop gives a small emotional point to the monotonous street and gives it a charm. Whole view of the store I'd like to visit someday. 이쁘게 꾸며진 가게의 모습이 단조로운 거리에 작은 감성 포인트를 주며 매력을 선사해준다. 언젠가 들어가 보고 싶은 가게 전경들. 店面佈置得很漂亮, 在單調的街道上小巧的感性點綴給人以魅力。有朝一日想進的店鋪全景。 by KozaWalker more 心が温まる散歩道 朝日を満喫しながら路地を散歩してみる。古い風景を思わせるためか、まるで映画のセット場のような雰囲気の路地を歩いていると、過去への旅行でもしたかのように幼い頃の思い出を思い出す。 心が温まる散歩道だ。 Enjoy the morning sun and take a walk in the alley. Perhaps because of the old scenery, when I walk through an alley with a set of movies, I often recall memories of my childhood as if I were traveling to the past. It's a warm-hearted walk. 아침햇살을 만끽하며 골목을 산책해 본다. 오래된 풍경을 간직해서 그런지 마치 영화 셋트장과 같은 분위기.. more 共存 曇った空の下の瓦屋の風景が自然と調和してよく描かれた絵のような感じを与える。 沖縄を代表する歳月を帯びた瓦屋と現代的な高い建物が共存する異色の風景が、今日特に感性的に感じられる。 The view of tile-roofed houses under the cloudy sky harmonizes with nature to create a picture-like feel. The exotic landscape of modern tall buildings and time-honored tile-roofed houses representing Okinawa is particularly emotional today. 흐린 하늘 아래의 기와집 풍경이 자연과 어울려 잘 그려진 그림과 같은 느낌을 가져다 준다. 오키나와를 대표하는 현대적인.. more KozaWalker No.025 KozaWalker No.025 KozaWalkerの一週間のポスト内容を集めて見ました。 皆さん、楽しんで頂いたら嬉しいです。 まちを歩きながら得る感性と魅力を紹介することでもっと頑張りたいと思います。 ご応援よろしくお願いします。by KozaWalker KozaWalker No.025 view: https://issuu.com/kozawalker/docs/kozawalker_no.025 KozaWalker No.025 コザまちの魅力と感性 issuu.com KozaWalker No.025 Download: more Good afternoon! 短い時間だったが暖かい日差しの良い天気によって気持ちが良くなった散歩だった。 It was a short time but it was a walk that made me feel better because of the nice weather. 짧은 시간이었지만 따뜻한 햇살의 좋은 날씨로 인해 기분이 좋아진 산책이었다. 雖然時間很短, 但由於陽光溫暖的好天氣, 散步心情變好了。by KozaWalker more 一石二鳥 街の看板や店のデザインを鑑賞しながら散歩をしていると、いろいろアイディアを得たりする。特にこの街は個性的な素材が多くて私にとって楽しさを与える素敵な所でもある。 I often get various ideas when I take a walk while looking at the design of a street sign or shop. In particular, this street has many unique materials, which make me happy. 거리의 간판이나 가게의 디자인을 감상하면서 산책을 하다보면 여러가지 아이디어를 얻곤 한다. 특히 이 거리는 개성적인 소재들이 많아 나에게 있어 즐거움을 주는 곳이기도 하다. 一邊欣賞着街上的招牌或店鋪的設計,一邊散步,經常會得到很多創意。值得一提的是這條街有很多個性.. more 路地風景と感性 同じ瓦屋が多い路地でも地域ごとに違う雰囲気がある。上地地域の瓦屋の路地風景は、歩く人の心を安らかにしてくれる力が感じられる。そのためか、心の中に悩みが多い時、ここの路地を歩きながら風景を鑑賞すると楽になる気がする。 There seems to be a different atmosphere in each area, even if there are alleys with the same roof tiles. The view of tile-roofed houses in the Uechi area shows the strength of the walker to calm down the mind. Perhaps that's why I think it's a good place to enjoy the scenery while walking.. more 이전 1 ··· 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ··· 53 다음