コザ 썸네일형 리스트형 路地 最近道を歩く時、わざわざ大通りより路地を利用して歩いたりする。 路地ならではの風景を楽しみながら、自分だけの思索の時間を持つことができるからだ。 When I walk on the street recently, I purposely use alleys rather than large roads. It is because I can enjoy the unique scenery of the alleyways and have a time of my own thought. 최근 길을 걸을 때 일부러 큰 길 보다 골목길을 이용해서 걷곤 한다. 골목길 특유의 풍경을 즐기며 나만의 사색의 시간을 가질 수 있기 때문이다. 最近走路的時候故意選擇衚衕走路。因爲可以欣賞衚衕特有的風景, 擁有屬於自己的思考時間。by KozaWalker more 探検 街に隠れている小さな素材を探して散歩をする時間が私には小さな幸せに感じられる。 It's a small happiness for me to take a walk in search of small materials hidden in the streets. 거리에 숨어 있는 작은 소재들을 찾아 산책을 하는 시간이 나에게는 작은 행복으로 다가온다. 尋找隱藏在街頭的小素材散步的時間對我來說是小小的幸福。by KozaWalker more KozaWalker No.026 KozaWalker No.026 KozaWalkerの一週間のポスト内容を集めて見ました。 皆さん、楽しんで頂いたら嬉しいです。 まちを歩きながら得る感性と魅力を紹介することでもっと頑張りたいと思います。 ご応援よろしくお願いします。by KozaWalker KozaWalker No.026 view: https://issuu.com/kozawalker/docs/kozawalker_no.026 KozaWalker No.026 コザまちの魅力と感性 issuu.com KozaWalker No.026 Download: more かくれんぼ かくれんぼという店名がよく似合う場所。 ここはアーケード商店街に位置し、早い時間からまちの人々が隠れん坊をするように集まってお酒を飲みながら人生を過ごす素敵な場所。 壁一面に貼りされている美味しいメニューと安いお酒に思う存分酔える魅力的な場所。 A well-suited place for the shop's name of hide-and-seek It is located in Arcade shopping district, and it is a wonderful place for locals to gather and drink and share their lives from the early hours. It's a charming place where you can get a lot of delicious dishes and ch.. more 散策したくなる天気 散策をしたくなるいい天気の金曜日。長い年月を経てきた瓦屋の風景が、明るい日差しと調和し、素敵に感じられる。 短い間ではあるが狭い路地を歩きながら心を温めてくれる風景を満喫してみる。 It's a nice weather Friday that makes me want to take a walk. The view of the tile-roofed house, which has been around for a long time, looks great with the bright sunlight. It's a short time, but I can enjoy the scenery that warms my heart by walking through narrow alleys. 산책을 하고 싶어지는 좋은 날씨의 금요일이다. 오랜 시간을.. more 祭所宮下 店の名前が書かれている入り口の赤い灯籠が、お酒が好きな人にまるで秘密基地のように感じられる場所。 値段は安いが、皿にきれいに盛りつけられる料理は、店を訪れる人がこの居酒屋のファンになるようにする。 小さな空間ではあるものの、広く暖かい心が感じられる魅力的な場所だ。 A place where the red light at the entrance with the name of the store appears to be a secret place for drinkers. While the dishes are cheap, the dishes that come out nicely on the dishes make the visitor to be a fan. Although it is a small space, it is an attracti.. more 瓦屋 まちを歩いていたところ、狭い路地の間から見える瓦屋の風景に引かれて、しばらくその風景を眺めた。長い歳月を過ごすうちに古くなったように見えるが、沖縄の街並みにおいてはとても魅力的に感じられる。 Walking down the street, I was drawn to the view of tile-roofed houses through narrow alleys and looked at the scenery for a while. While spending a long time, it seems old, but it feels so attractive in the street scenery of Okinawa. 거리를 걷다 좁은 골목 사이로 보이는 기와집 풍경에 끌려 그 자리에서 한동안 풍경을 바라보았다. 오랜시간을 보내면서 비록.. more 低い目線 時には普段と違って低い視線で街の風景を鑑賞してみるのも楽しい。低い視線のおかげで普段通り過ぎる通りの美しい花々も見られるようになり、幸せを感じる散歩になる。 Sometimes, it seems fun to enjoy the scenery of the street with an unusual low point of view. It is a happy walk to see beautiful flowers on the street that have been passing by due to low gaze. 때로는 평소와 달리 낮은 시선으로 거리의 풍경을 감상해 보는 것도 재미가 있는 것 같다. 낮은 시선 덕분에 평소 그냥 지나쳤던 거리의 아름다운 꽃들도 볼 수 있게 되어 행복을 느끼는 산책이다. 有時與平時不同, 以較低的視線來.. more 이전 1 ··· 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ··· 53 다음