古民家散策 썸네일형 리스트형 長い散策の道 小雨の曇り空だが、胡屋から嘉間良を経て、越来、そして照屋へ少し長い散歩をした。 コザならではの独特な風景を鑑賞するため、思わず長い時間を過ごしたものの、各地域の風景を満喫できる楽しい時間だった。 普通は車で移動する道だが、歩きながらゆっくりと各地域の風景を満喫してみるのもいい。 Although it was cloudy with little rain, I took a long walk from Goya to Kamara to Goeku and Teruya. I spent a long time unconsciously enjoying the unique scenery of Koza, but it was a fun time to enjoy the scenery of each region. It's usually a road to trav.. more 瓦屋の魅力 各瓦屋の色とデザインが特徴で、路地散歩の楽しさを味わいながら歩けるようである。 今日のように晴れた日には、思いっきり瓦屋根の風景を楽しむことができることに幸せを感じる。 Each tile-roofed house has a different color and design, which makes it seem like I can walk while enjoying the fun of the alley walk. In clear weather like today, I can enjoy the view of tile-roofed houses as much as I want. 기와집의 각각 다른 색과 디자인이 있어 골목산책의 재미를 느끼며 걸을 수 있는 것 같다. 오늘 같이 맑은 날씨에는 마음껏 기와집 풍경을 즐길 수 있어 좋다... more 路地 最近道を歩く時、わざわざ大通りより路地を利用して歩いたりする。 路地ならではの風景を楽しみながら、自分だけの思索の時間を持つことができるからだ。 When I walk on the street recently, I purposely use alleys rather than large roads. It is because I can enjoy the unique scenery of the alleyways and have a time of my own thought. 최근 길을 걸을 때 일부러 큰 길 보다 골목길을 이용해서 걷곤 한다. 골목길 특유의 풍경을 즐기며 나만의 사색의 시간을 가질 수 있기 때문이다. 最近走路的時候故意選擇衚衕走路。因爲可以欣賞衚衕特有的風景, 擁有屬於自己的思考時間。by KozaWalker more 気分転換 曇った天気で憂鬱な気分になるが、少し時間を作って散歩をしながら気を晴らしてみる。 狭い路地を歩きながら古い瓦屋が作り出す魅力的な風景を鑑賞していて幸せを感じる。やはり路地散歩の魅力は多様な感性を作ってくれるようだ。 Cloudy weather brings a gloomy mood, but take some time to relax by taking a walk. Walking through narrow alleys, I feel happy to enjoy the charming scenery created by old tile-roofed houses. As expected, the charm of alleys seems to create a variety of emotions. 흐린 날씨가 우울한 기분을 가져다 주지만 조금 .. more 散策したくなる天気 散策をしたくなるいい天気の金曜日。長い年月を経てきた瓦屋の風景が、明るい日差しと調和し、素敵に感じられる。 短い間ではあるが狭い路地を歩きながら心を温めてくれる風景を満喫してみる。 It's a nice weather Friday that makes me want to take a walk. The view of the tile-roofed house, which has been around for a long time, looks great with the bright sunlight. It's a short time, but I can enjoy the scenery that warms my heart by walking through narrow alleys. 산책을 하고 싶어지는 좋은 날씨의 금요일이다. 오랜 시간을.. more 瓦屋 まちを歩いていたところ、狭い路地の間から見える瓦屋の風景に引かれて、しばらくその風景を眺めた。長い歳月を過ごすうちに古くなったように見えるが、沖縄の街並みにおいてはとても魅力的に感じられる。 Walking down the street, I was drawn to the view of tile-roofed houses through narrow alleys and looked at the scenery for a while. While spending a long time, it seems old, but it feels so attractive in the street scenery of Okinawa. 거리를 걷다 좁은 골목 사이로 보이는 기와집 풍경에 끌려 그 자리에서 한동안 풍경을 바라보았다. 오랜시간을 보내면서 비록.. more 小小な幸福 狭い路地を歩いている私の足音が大きく聞こえるほど静かな村だ。 澄んだ空と調和した瓦屋が素晴らしい風景を作っている。 歩きながら出会うおばあさんと挨拶を交わし、散歩を楽しむこの時間を通じて小さな幸せを感じる。 It's a quiet village, so quiet that I can hear my footsteps loud as I walk through a narrow alleyway. A tile-roofed house with a clear sky is creating a wonderful view. I feel small happiness through this time when I say hello to town people who I encounter while walking and enjoy a pleasant w.. more 共存 曇った空の下の瓦屋の風景が自然と調和してよく描かれた絵のような感じを与える。 沖縄を代表する歳月を帯びた瓦屋と現代的な高い建物が共存する異色の風景が、今日特に感性的に感じられる。 The view of tile-roofed houses under the cloudy sky harmonizes with nature to create a picture-like feel. The exotic landscape of modern tall buildings and time-honored tile-roofed houses representing Okinawa is particularly emotional today. 흐린 하늘 아래의 기와집 풍경이 자연과 어울려 잘 그려진 그림과 같은 느낌을 가져다 준다. 오키나와를 대표하는 현대적인.. more 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음