建築散策 썸네일형 리스트형 見慣れている風景 初めて歩く狭い路地を歩く時は、心がドキドキしながら長い歳月を宿した古い家の風景に出会い、心が安らかになる。高層マンションと古い家が作る風景が多い沖縄の路地風景で今は見慣れている風景の中に新たな発見と懐懐かしいさを感じる。 When I walk in a narrow alleyway for the first time, I feel excited and soon feel at ease as I meet the scenery of old houses that last a long time. The high-rise mansion and the scenery of the old house, Okinawa's alleys, are no stranger to me. 처음 걷는 좁은 골목길을 걸을 때면 마음이 두근거리는 느낌이 들면서 오랜 .. more 이전 1 다음