商店街 썸네일형 리스트형 午後の散策 ランチを食べた後、軽い散歩のために周辺を歩きながら午後の商店街の風景を楽しんでてみる。 After lunch, walk around for a light walk and enjoy the afternoon shopping street scenery. 점심을 먹고 난 뒤 가벼운 산책을 위해 주변을 걸으며 오후의 상점가 풍경을 감상해 본다. 吃完午飯後,爲了散步走在周圍,欣賞一下下午的商店街風景。 by Kozawalker more 朝の商店街 アーケード商店街を歩きながら静かな朝の風景を鑑賞してみる。 Walk through the arcade shopping district and enjoy the quiet morning scenery. 아케이드 상점가를 걸으며 조용한 아침 풍경을 감상해 본다. 走在拱廊商店街,欣賞安靜的早晨風景。 by Kozawalker more 気分転換 曇った日、ゲート通りを歩きながら、街の風景を通じて気分を転換してみる。 Walking on the gate street on a cloudy day, I try to change my mood through the street scenery. 흐린 날 게이트 거리를 걸으며 거리 풍경을 통해 기분을 전환해본다. 陰天走在門大街,通過街景轉換一下心情。 by Kozawalker more アーケード商店街 雨の日、アーケード商店街を歩きながら街の風景を鑑賞する。 Enjoy the street view while walking along the arcade shopping street on a rainy day. 비오는 날 아케이드 상점가를 걸으며 거리 풍경 감상하기. 下雨天,漫步有拱廊的商業街道,欣賞街景。 by kozawalker more 気持ちいい風景 商店街のアーケードの外に出た空の姿が魅力的な月曜日の朝。 一週を新たに始める月曜日の朝に感じるのに気持ち良い風景。 It is Monday morning when the sky is attractive outside the arcade in the shopping district. It is a pleasant sight to feel on Monday morning when the week begins anew. 상점가의 아케이드 밖으로 나온 하늘의 모습이 매력적인 월요일 아침이다. 한주를 새롭게 시작하는 월요일 아침에 느끼기에 기분 좋은 풍경이다. 充滿魅力的星期一早上, 從商店街的拱廊看到的天空很美麗。我覺得這是令人愉快的風景。 by KozaWalker more KOZA SUPER MARKET 人々が集まって楽しめるまちのお祭りのようなイベントが似合うコザのまち。 普段見かけることのない街の店の風景が印象的に感じられる。 こうしたイベントを通じて商店街の店舗が知られ、人々が集まって地域の活性化が行われると思うと、これからがもっと楽しくなる。 It is the street of Koza where events such as the local festival where people can gather and enjoy are matched. The unusual view of the shops on the street is impressive. I can't wait to see the future of these events as stores are known and people gather to promote the a.. more Friday Night 金曜日の客を待ちコザの商店街風景。 一週間の疲れを癒すことができる様々な方法があるが、コザ商店街での冷たいビール一杯で疲れを癒してみるのもいいかも。 お楽しい週末を! A shopping-side view of Koza that waiting for guests on Friday night. There are various ways to relieve the week's fatigue, but I think it would be good to try relieving your fatigue with a glass of cold beer at Koza's shop. Have a nice weekend! 주말의 손님을 기다리는 코자의 상점가 풍경. 한주간의 피로를 풀 수 있는 다양한 방법이 있지만, 코자 상점가에서의 시원한 .. more かくれんぼ かくれんぼという店名がよく似合う場所。 ここはアーケード商店街に位置し、早い時間からまちの人々が隠れん坊をするように集まってお酒を飲みながら人生を過ごす素敵な場所。 壁一面に貼りされている美味しいメニューと安いお酒に思う存分酔える魅力的な場所。 A well-suited place for the shop's name of hide-and-seek It is located in Arcade shopping district, and it is a wonderful place for locals to gather and drink and share their lives from the early hours. It's a charming place where you can get a lot of delicious dishes and ch.. more 이전 1 2 다음