streetsignboards 썸네일형 리스트형 まちのデザイン;看板の世界 街を歩きながら看板を注意深く見ている私。街を飾っている看板を見ればその街の雰囲気が分かるようになる。 それほど看板の役割が重要だと思う。 人に見せるために作られた看板の世界、見れば見るほど興味深い。 As I walk down the street, I usually look carefully at the signboards that decorate the street, and I can see the atmosphere of the street. I think the role of signboard is so important. The world of signboards designed to show people, the more interesting it is. 나는 거리를 걸으며 주로 간판을 주의깊게 보게 되는데 거리를 .. more 이전 1 다음