歩きたくなるまち 썸네일형 리스트형 歩きたくなる街 車に乗るより歩きたくなる街がある。古い建物の間に新しい店が増えているこの街も歩きたいところ。月日が経つにつれ消されていく古い建物の直書き看板と新しく改装したおしゃれな店が、街の風景を作り出しているこの街を歩くと気分がよくなる。 歩きたくなる街、人々が行き来できる街が多いといいな。 There is a street where you want to walk rather than ride a car. This street is also a place to walk, as new shops are increasing among old buildings. Walking through this street, where signboards of old buildings and newly renovated shops are being erased .. more 歩きたくなる街 歩きたくなる街がある。そんな街を歩いていると気が楽になる時がある。しかも今日みたいに天気が良くて涼しい風が吹いてくる秋の日の午後にはもっと歩きたくなる。 There is a street where I want to walk. Walking down such a street sometimes makes me feel at ease. Moreover, it makes me want to walk even more in the afternoon of autumn when the weather is nice and cool. 걷고 싶어지는 거리가 있다. 그런 거리를 걷다 보면 마음이 편해질 때가 있다. 더군다나 오늘 같이 날씨가 좋고 시원한 바람이 불어오는 가을날의 오후에는 더욱 걷고 싶어지게 만든다. 有想走的街頭。走在那樣的街.. more 이전 1 다음