Walking through a narrow alley, I feel the traces of history that someone has lived in various forms.
좁은 골목을 걸으며 누군가가 다양한 모습으로 살아온 역사의 흔적을 느껴본다.
走在狹窄的衚衕裏,感受某人以各種面貌生活的歷史痕跡。by Kozawalker
Walking through a narrow alley, I feel the traces of history that someone has lived in various forms.
좁은 골목을 걸으며 누군가가 다양한 모습으로 살아온 역사의 흔적을 느껴본다.
走在狹窄的衚衕裏,感受某人以各種面貌生活的歷史痕跡。by Kozawalker